155 research outputs found

    Anarchic manufacturing: implementing fully distributed control and planning in assembly

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    This paper demonstrates that a distributed control and planning system can fulfil an idealised mixed-model assembly problem and compete with traditional systems. The anarchic manufacturing system is a distributed planning and control system, based on a free market structure, where system elements have decision-making authority and autonomy. Mixed-model assembly is typically managed centrally for production planning and control, using simplification and hierarchical structures to manage complexity. In developing anarchy, inter-job cooperation is implemented to synergise jobs together and fulfil global objectives efficiently. The anarchic system maximises available flexibility, through embracing complexity, and reduces myopic decision making by maximising an agent’s lifetime profitability. Through agent-based simulation experiments, the anarchic system is compared to fixed and flexible centralised systems. The proposed system outperforms traditional systems when the scenario’s structural flexibility allows agile and delayed dynamic decision making. Additionally, the anarchic system managed dynamic bottleneck disruptions as effectively as flexible centralised systems

    Automatic design structure matrices: A comparison of two formula student projects

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    Design Structure Matrices have become a fundamental tool to support engineers in their handling and management of interactions across product & organisational architectures. Recent work in the field has exploited the opportunity afforded by Product Lifecycle Management systems, which capture the digital footprint of engineering projects to generate Design Structure Matrices in real-time through the co-occurrence of edits to product models. Given the systematic and more objective nature of the generation of these DSMs as well as being able to monitor their evolution throughout engineering projects, there now lies an opportunity in comparing projects/products using DSMs. To investigate this and the potential insights that could be generated, this paper presents the automatic generation of DSMs for two Formula Student projects. These have then been compared with respect to the end-of-project, change propagation characteristics and evolution of the DSMs. From this analysis, six insights have been generated that map the characteristics of the DSMs to the performance of the project/product and highlights the potential of automatic DSMs to further support engineering project management

    Identifying the influences on performance of engineering design and development projects

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    Performance of engineering design and development projects depends on myriad factors, creating challenges in implementation and management. These are compounded by potential for high variation across contexts. This work investigates influencers upon performance and contextual variation through relationship between real industry issues and factors that influence project performance. Through survey, interview, and network analysis, issue-causing groups of features in each specific case are identified and compared. The results find a majority of issues arising from person-centric sources. They also identify both discrete groups of issues with narrow source and influence, and with broad ties across the project context; forms which may stem from conditions of the scenario. Finally, they show similarity in the influences on performance across contexts with a caveat that, while the influential area remains, the structure to be taken within may vary. General analysis clarifies performance in engineering and highlights those areas in which support-system development is of most use, and specific analysis gives areas in which industry managers should focus for best benefit to the project
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